Saturday, December 16, 2006

Okay, this camera's too smart for me - I MUST learn something new about it and learn it fast. While on a nature walk, we head for the community center rest rooms, and the sports field is full of soccer players. While waiting, I figure I'll do some "Team Action Sports Photography Exploration". I set the camera on JPG and continuous drive and continuous focus and have at it. The camera seems to pause after every three shots. I'll try it again, perhaps even selecting "Sports" mode (high shutter speed preference?), and another memory card. What did I get? I had NO IDEA what I was shooting, but I thought I aimed for the ball as I thought that was where the action was. Maybe if I shoot a movie and watch it over and over I'll learn the game and learn where the action is. Anyway, the shots are pretty tame, and not very action oriented! There was one shot, however, that I can crop as an interesting stand-alone piece. Otherwise, nothing. Next time? Shoot closer to the action, and try to concentrate on solo players to frame THEM in the scene rather than following the ball. The players are the story with which a viewer might connect. There's always more to learn, always more. More about controlling the camera, more about controlling the photographer, mode about responding to or anticipating the subjects. 'Til next time.

-- Click! Love and hugs, Peter Blaise, Minolta Rokkor Alpha DiMage Photographer

Minolta DiMage A1 camera, Microcenter 120x CF card